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St Peter's CE Primary Academy



Our Vision


Our vision at St Peter’s Primary Academy is to instil a lifelong love of Music within our pupils.  We want our children to be curious, inquisitive and enthusiastic learners. We  aim to enable the children to develop a love for music, be that performing, listening or composing to music and develop their own musical styles and creative learning. We offer a broad, rich and progressive Music curriculum that covers all areas of the national curriculum. create an environment where pupils can develop a love for Music. Music is delivered through standalone music topics but through the year, we also strengthen connections to other subject areas through linking music within the learning journey topic.  


St Peters offers a very exciting and varied music curriculum that gives children a wide range of knowledge and experience of a variety of musical genres and pieces. Children are all given the opportunity to perform during in-school productions, concerts and church services.   

All children will have performed in a big arena or concert hall event by the end of their time at St Peters.  Children get to experience a range of high quality live and recorded performances.  St Peters provides a range peripatetic lessons and clubs for any of the children to join.  All classes experience a range of high quality music lessons, sourced from a range of places to enable to least confident teacher to be confident at teaching music.   

