Collective Worship
Rev Poskitt's Assemblies
Rev Poskitt visits and leads us in collective worship each half term. We engage with stories from the bible and reflect upon their meaning on our lives. Rev Poskitt plays the guitar brilliantly and we enjoyed learning his songs.
Our approach to Collective Worship
2023- 2024
O Lord
Bless our school that working together and playing together we can serve you and learn to serve one another.
In Jesus name Amen.
The pupils take part in collective worship which is planned with support from the Diocese of Leicester. The themes are developed from our Christian values and are based on a mixture of bible stories and moral issues.
On Fridays we celebrate the work of pupils by sharing their achievements and learning.
Parents have the right to withdraw their child from Collective Worship. Those who wish to do so should discuss the matter with Mrs Holt.