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St Peter's CE Primary Academy


English - Reading and Phonics


At St Peter’s C or E Primary Academy, we use the Little Wandle Letters and Sounds systematic synthetic phonics programme (SSP).


This is a fully comprehensive programme where children start learning single letter sounds in the autumn term of their Reception year and it builds in progression throughout EYFS and Year One, preparing children for the statutory phonics screening that takes place at the end of year 1.


Phonics is taught every day and children learn to apply their phonics skills in reading practise sessions. The scheme is organised in Phases.

EYFS will cover Phase 2,3 and 4 and Year 1 will cover Phase 5.


Here is the link to the 'For Parents' section of the Little Wandle website.

The resources on this page will help you support your child with saying their phonemes (sounds) and writing their graphemes (letters). There are also useful videos so you can see how your child is taught at school, to be able to confidently support their reading at home. 

